Massive Bridge Pier Construction on the Hanshin Expressway Matsubara Line in Osaka

hanshin expressway

April 7, 2024, Osaka – A major bridge pier installation is currently underway on the Hanshin Expressway Matsubara Line. The construction began near the Kireuriwari entrance and is being carried out during the night using gigantic cranes.

The construction started on the evening of April 6th, utilizing two large cranes to simultaneously lift two bridge piers, each about 17 meters wide and weighing approximately 99 tons. Due to this significant construction work, the Hanshin Expressway Matsubara Line is closed between Kireuriwari and Miyake Junction, with reopening planned for the end of March next year.

This closure is affecting traffic on surrounding roads. Local residents and commuters are facing inconveniences, but the measures are in place to ensure the safety and swift completion of the work. As extensive infrastructure improvements continue, it is advised to stay updated with the latest traffic information and use alternative routes where available.

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