Liebherr HLC150000 Components Arrive in China for OHT’s Alfa Lift

20210607 liebherr hlc15000 arrive china

Another important milestone in the construction of Alfa Lift was passed recently when two of the three major components for the Liebherr HLC150000 heavy lift crane arrived at the CMHI shipyard from Rostock.

The slewing platform and the A-frame have been safely discharged and the boom will be delivered just-in-time to complete the HLC 15000

Deck cargo ship BigLift Barentsz left the port of Rostock, Germany in March this year, with the first two main components.

“Wedding” Milestone at Liebherr

liebherr press release hlc 150000 oht wedding

During the manufacturing of the HLC 150000-3000, the so-called “wedding”, lowering the machinery frame into the lower slewing column, is an important milestone for a crane of this size, establishing the foundation for further processes. The machinery frame is the heart of the Liebherr heavy lift cranes, containing electric motors, the hydraulic pumps and the main switchboards.

About the Alfa Lift

The Heavy-Lift Crane series (HLC) by Liebherr is specially designed for the installation of offshore wind foundations and substations as well as the installation and decommissioning of offshore platforms. In June 2018, Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH and the Oslo-based company OHT agreed the contract for the Heavy Lift Crane 150000-3000 for Alfa Lift, the worlds’ largest and most innovative, custom-built offshore wind foundation installation vessel.

With a maximum lifting capacity of 3,000 tonnes at 30 metres and 1,000 tonnes at 76 metres outreach, the HLC 150000-3000 is ready for a wide range of applications and a key feature of OHT’s Alfa Lift. The Norwegian contractor’s new build vessel, of Ulstein Design, is currently under construction by China Merchants Heavy Industry (CMHI) in the Jiangsu province, China.

The HLC 150000-3000 was realised in close collaboration between OHT and Liebherr. Daniel Poll, Sales Director of Ship and Offshore Cranes at Liebherr Rostock, emphasises the importance of the collaboration: “Both Liebherr and OHT have great confidence in this close partnership, which is the foundation for the multi-functionality of the HLC 150000-3000. An advantage that can be important in this competitive international market.”

liebherr press release hlc 150000 oht alfa lift
Artist’s rendition of Alfa Lift carrying 10 XXL monopiles and transition pieces. Image credit: Ulstein.

Alfa Lift‘s crane will have a maximum lifting capacity of 3,000t at 30m and 1,000t at 76m outreach. The 216.3m vessel will also have a 10,000+ m² “smart deck” that can carry up to 14 giant monopiles per trip and will be fully submersible to a depth of 14.66m.

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