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1600-ton crawler crane completed the hoisting of two condensers of Zhangzhou Nuclear Power Plant “Hualong No. 1”

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From 23rd to 25th April, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) completed the hoisting of the first and second condensers on the conventional island of Unit 1 of Zhangzhou Nuclear Power “Hualong No. 1”.

The condenser equipment adopts modular installation, and each condenser is divided into two left and right shell modules for hoisting. This time, a 1600-ton crawler crane was used for the hoisting of the conventional island condenser of Zhangzhou Nuclear Power “Hualong No. 1” Unit 1. The equipment weight is 300 tonnes.

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At 4 pm on the 25th of April, the two pieces of equipment were successfully placed in place, and the hoisting process was stable, orderly, safe and controllable.

The staff of CNNC Zhangzhou Project Department scientifically arranged the construction to overcome the high-temperature weather of 30 degrees; in the face of limited site restrictions such as the small radius of on-site hoisting operations, planned ahead of time, accurately implemented the hoisting plan, and strictly practised “safety is the lifeline of the nuclear industry” concept to ensure the safety and quality of hoisting.

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