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Crane Sent To Clear Marsa Fatal Accident Debris

20220226 marsa fatal accident

A crane has been seen at the site of the horrific Marsa accident, attempting to clear the wreckage of the accident which took place earlier today (16th Feb) and reopen the road.

Footage emerged from a traffic accident in Marsa that saw a truck overturn on Triq Aldo Moro. The incident cost the life of a 28-year-old motorcyclist.

police statement said that the accident happened after a truck, driven by a 56-year-old resident of Bormla, lost control, hit the centre strip on Triq Aldo Moro, and turned over.

The resulting debris created additional problems on the road, with traffic jams extending to further regions of the island.

The situation had Transport Malta close Aldo Moro road until the situation is declared safe for use once again.

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