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National ENVI 690EU Boom Truck Crane (20 US tonnes / 18 tonnes)

US-based Scott Powerline and Utility Equipment has taken delivery of what National claimed is the world’s first environmentally friendly boom truck in 2006. The National ENVI 690EU is the only boom truck in the industry that runs on biodegradable diesel and uses vegetable-based  oil in its hydraulic system. It was a benefit for companies working in environmentally sensitive locations where standard boom truck running on ordinary hydraulic oil maybe denied access.

Based on National’s 690E, the ENVI version has the same specifications – maximum capacity of 20 US tonnes (18 tonnes), a 90 foot (27 metres) four-section boom, 45 foot (13.7 metres) two-section jib, and a maximum tip height of 144 feet (44 metres). It also has the same additional features, including adjustable swing speed, internal anti-two block, high performance planetary winch, and self-lubricating Easy Glide wear pads.

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